Back to Hack: Web development with Rails4

Version 4.0 of the Ruby on Rails web framework has been released a few weeks ago. On that occasion, Rick will host a presentation/workshop on Tuesday the 16.07.2013 at 19:00h on web development with rails.

It will be targeted towards beginners so you don’t need to know ruby or rails. You should however have basic knowledge about how the web works and know at least one programming language (Perl, PHP, Python etc.). For the ones who already know Ruby on Rails I will point out the changes in Rails 4.0.

The goal is to give you a rough overview of all the features so you can decide if it’s worth to have a closer look at the framework. Due to the limited timeframe we can’t get into details like testing, production setup or deployment. Depending on the participants feedback I’m open to cover topics like these in depth in further workshops.

In the workshop part we will set up a basic Rails web site on your computer that you can play with afterwards. If you want to participate in that please install recent versions of Virtual Box and Vagrant on your computer. If you use Windows you also have to install an ssh client like putty because Microsoft is stupid and doesn’t even include the most basic unix tools.

You should also have a text editor installed that supports ruby syntax highlighting. Textmate2 is a good choice for Macs. For Linux you could use gmate or vim. On Windows SciTE seems to be an option. If you want to go big Aptana RadRails is a nice Multi-Platform IDE based on eclipse.

You’ll need these free tools to start a virtual machine with all the tools that we need to start the development on your laptop. That way you don’t have to mess up your local configuration. If you don’t want to participate it’s OK if you’re just watching.

We have quite a lot of ground to cover so we will start at 19:00 sharp. The workshop will take about 3-4 hours.

The slides


Back to Hack

„Back to Hack“ ist ein Themenabend mit Schwerpunkt auf Softwareentwicklung, Computersicherheit, IT-Infrastruktur sowie Wissenschaft und Forschung und findet jeden Dienstag ab 19:30 Uhr im Attraktor statt. Die Themen richten sich nach der Gruppe und werden vorab abgestimmt. Entweder es findet sich jemand, der sich auf das Thema vorbereitet hat. Andernfalls betreiben wir gemeinsam „Jugend forscht“. Aufgrund des „hands on“-Charakters werden grundlegende Betriebssystem- und Programmierkenntnisse vorausgesetzt. Wenn Ihr euch am Programm beteiligen wollt findet Ihr weitere Informationen unter der folgenden Wiki-Seite.

Back to Hack: Web development with Rails4
Attraktor e.V., Mexikoring 21,22297 Hamburg,Hamburg

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